Project kick-off has been promoted at UES web site under the highlighted news, which is available on the following link:
7.7 | |||
Title |
Promotion at scientific conferences. | ||
Description | Project results will be promoted at scientific conferences in the form of scientific and research papers. Presentation of the papers is planned at the scientific conference INFOTEH in Bosnia and Herzegovina (M33). The participation of representatives of all WB HEIs at the conference is planned, with the support of researchers from EU and AP HEIs. |
7.6 | |||
Title |
Promotion of e-knowledge platform. | ||
Description | Established the e-knowledge platform will be created with thematic units that will promote the application of ICT in energy and synergy with the Green Agenda. The platforms will contain the most common questions and answers and knowledge quizzes. The promotion of the platform will be carried out on TV shows and through social networks. |
7.5 | |||
Title |
Promotion of training programs aimed at the economy and the wider community | ||
Description | Promotional info events will be organized at all WB HEIs, two for each WB HEIs. These events will be organized in the second and third year of the project's life cycle, with the aim of promoting digitization in energy (rational energy consumption) and the green agenda. Promotional events will be of different types: announcements on TV stations and on billboards, brochures, and leaflets where details of the application of digitization in the energy sector will be presented. Business partners will also participate in the promotion of the application of ICT in energy and green weeks. |
7.4 | |||
Title |
Info days. |
Description | In order to promote established study programs and enroll in them, 16 info days will be organized, two per each WB HEIs. Info days will be realized in the second year of the project. Promotional materials of WB HEIs will be printed to inform students about the developed bachelor's/master's degree programs. |
7.3 | |||
Title |
Promotion of study programs in media and on social networks | ||
Description | Results and activities related to NEST4WB will be promoted on social networks such as: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Lindekin, Twitter... All WB partners will participate in the promotion and place hyperlinks on their websites to pages on social networks. Special attention will be devoted to the promotion of new/innovated study programs, through NEST4WB, and the enrollment of students in these study programs. |
7.2 | |||
Title |
Development of a project website. | ||
Description | The project website was created at the beginning of the project. The WEB page is created by the resources of the Higher Education Institution. The page will be updated regularly throughout the project's life cycle. A platform for communication between partners will be established. Social networks will be used to create project profiles. Promotional materials (posters, brochures, pens, diaries, folders...) will be printed and distributed to WB, EU, and AP partners. The website will be used to publish realized project activities and achieved results. |
7.1 | |||
Title |
Establishment of a dissemination plan. |
Description | The dissemination and exploitation plan is created at the beginning of the project. The plan will include the following elements: the purpose of the plan, target groups, messages, and methods. The plan will identify and organize the activities that should be implemented in order to promote them. The dissemination plan will be created in coordination with partners and will be approved by the SC. |
WP7 | |||
Start Month | 1 | End Month | 36 |
Objectives | Establishment of a dissemination plan. Development of a project website. Promotion of study programs in media and on social networks. Information days. Promotion of training programs aimed at the economy and the wider community. Promotion of e-knowledge platform. Promotion at scientific conferences. |
6.3 | |||
Title |
Cooperation agreements between Western Balkans Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and interested parties from the economy. | ||
Description | Agreements will be signed on long-term cooperation between WB HEIs, the economy, and the economic community on popularizing the rational use of energy in light of the energy crisis caused by the war in Ukraine. |
6.2 | |||
Title |
Improvement of cooperation among Western Balkans Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) community. | ||
Description | Communication channels will be created between WB HEIs, which will aim at regular exchange of information and examples of good practice. The goal of the community is to expand to other WB HEIs outside of NEST4WB partners. |
6.1 | |||
Title |
Creation of a sustainability plan |
Description | The sustainability plan will pay particular attention to academic sustainability and financial sustainability. The sustainability plan will determine the procedures and recommendations for long-termmonitoring and improvement of the developed and innovated master's/basic studies plans and programs. |
WP6 | |||
Start Month | 1 | End Month | 36 |
Objectives | Creating a sustainability plan. Enhancing WB HEIs community cooperation. Agreements on cooperation between WB HEIs and interested parties from the economy |
5.3 | |||
Title |
Quality control monitoring. | ||
Description | Constant quality evaluation is ensured by continuous presentation of NEST4WB results and activities, as well as periodic review by experts teams after each year of the project's life cycle. |
5.2 | |||
Title |
Quality Assurance Committee meetings. | ||
Description | Six regular meetings of the quality assurance committee will be held. QAC meetings will be organized at the times when workshops, study visits, and promotional meetings/events for dissemination are organized, in the same way as the planned organization of SC and PMC meetings and via online conference, all with the aim of rationalizing travel and accommodation costs. |
5.1 | |||
Title |
Development of a quality assurance plan |
Description | The quality assurance plan will be developed with project partners. The adopted assurance plan will be approved by the QAC and as such will be used as a basis for evaluating the quality of project outcomes. Internal quality control will be implemented through internal reports collected by the WP5 leader. The leader of WP5 will present the internal reports to the QAC, who will prepare annual internal quality reports based on them. |
WP5 | |||
Start Month | 1 | End Month | 36 |
Objectives | Development and adjustment the manual of quality assurance plan (Manual QAC) Quality assurance committee meetings Preparation of reports for internal quality control Quality control monitoring |
4.6 | |||
Title |
Green Week implementation. | ||
Description | ... |
4.5 | |||
Title |
Student professional practice. | ||
Description | Students from each WB HEIs will attend lectures and acquire knowledge and skills abroad (student professional practice). Student professional practice will be organized for students from WB HEIs who will do professional practice in EU and AP HEIs. Professional practice is carried out for 10 working days. Students can be divided into three groups, 6 students (2 from BE014, 2 from BE012, and 2 from BE011) can realize their professional practice in one institution (BE006, SRB), 4 students (2 from BE008 and 2 from BE001) in another institution (BE007, SRB) and 6 students (2 from BE009, 2 from BE010 and 2 from BE013) in the third institution (BEOO2, CRO). The final decision on the method of distribution of students and the schedule of professional practices will be made by the consortium. |
4.4 | |||
Title |
Verification of training programs for the economy. |
Description | Each WB HEI will, in accordance with its regulations, adopt a developed training program aimed at the economy, which is based on developed laboratories. |
4.3 | |||
Title |
Curriculum implementation. | ||
Description | The implementation of study programs, all 8 (one for each SB higher education institution) should begin by the beginning of the life cycle of the M24 project. Based on the adopted course catalogs. Based on the course catalog, all WB HEIs will implement curricula, including developed manuals and learning materials (presentations) for new/innovated courses. |
4.2 | |||
Title |
Student enrollment. | ||
Description | Enrollment of students will be done in accordance with the procedures of WB HEIs and according to precisely defined enrollment conditions. As part of this activity, a call for enrollment is announced, students are ranked, and finally, the selected students are registered. Each institution will enroll more than 30% of the number of accredited students in the developed/innovated study program. |
4.1 | |||
Title |
Accreditation and verification of developed curricula and teaching materials. |
Description | WB HEIs will prepare documentation and submit it to national bodies for accreditation/verification of study programs. |
WP4 | |||
Start Month | 18 | End Month | 36 |
Objectives | Accreditation and verification of developed curricula and teaching materials. Student enrollment. Curriculum implementation. Verification of training programs for the economy. Student internship Green Week implementation |
3.7 | |||
Title |
Development of associations for energy savings and connecting interested parties. | ||
Description | Local workshops with the aim to create a network with economy stakeholders and citizens and create associations for energy saving and rationalization of energy consumption in WB HEIs will be organized (at least one per each WB HEI). The workshops will be organized by WB HEIs in cooperation with high schools, NGOs, local self-governments, and business representatives related to the energy sector. At least 20 participants per local workshop are foreseen. Non-academic and associated partners will facilitate networking through the provision of links between WB HEIs and energy-saving stakeholders. |
3.6 | |||
Title |
Development of training programs for the industry. | ||
Description | The established laboratories will provide training and development opportunities for those interested in the economy. The laboratories will have a designed concept that will support one-month courses in the field of digitization in the energy sector (LLL). |
3.5 | |||
Title |
Development and creation of procedures for the operation of laboratories/training centers. | ||
Description | Within the created laboratories, procedures for working in laboratories/training centers will be defined. The procedures will be defined in accordance with national regulations on occupational health and safety and the preservation of the work and living environment. |
3.4 | |||
Title |
Development and creation of learning materials and e-platforms. |
Description | All WB HEIs will create learning materials in accordance with the new/innovated courses. The learning materials, a handbook, will be prepared in paper and electronic form. The material will be reviewed by EU partners and AP. The handbook for digitization in energy will be in B5 format and have an appropriate number of pages. The handbook will cover chapters defined by the curricula designed for defining new competencies. Partners from all WB HEIs will work on creating the handbook, which will be printed in local languages and in English. The handbook will be publicly published on the e-platform. |
3.3 | |||
Title |
Development of professional practice programs. | ||
Description | After designing new/innovated study programs, a modern program of professional practices will be developed. Business partners and associated partners have the role of presenting modern trends in the implementation of professional practice. |
3.2 | |||
Title |
Formation of laboratories/training centers. | ||
Description | After finalizing the list of equipment (in accordance with the designed courses) with the technical specification, WB HEIs will prepare and launch the tender documentation for the procurement of equipment. Laboratory instruments needed for educational purposes will be purchased and installed. The installed equipment will be used for training staff from the economy. |
3.1 | |||
Title |
Development of new or innovation of existing curricula |
Description | New modernized courses will be designed. The design of new courses will be defined by each WB HEI in accordance with the defined framework of new qualifications harmonized and adopted in T.2.4. The developed content of curricula and syllabuses will be verified by HEIs from EU and AP. The adopted structure of study programs in the field of energy and ICT should undergo accreditation (decisions on modernization or accreditation of study programs by national bodies) in order to ensure sustainability and include the developed curricula and programs in the regular teaching process. |
WP3 | |||
Start Month | 9 | End Month | 24 |
Objectives | Development of new curricula and/or innovation of existing program content. Establishment of laboratories/training centers. Development of a new methodological model for the implementation of the teaching process. Development of professional internship programs. Development and creation of learning materials and knowledge e-platforms. Development and creation of procedures for laboratory/training center operations. Development of training programs intended for industry (LLL). |
2.7 | |||
Title |
Realization of study visits for Western Balkans Higher Education Institution (HEI) staff. | ||
Description | The aim of the study visits is for WB teachers to refine and improve their experiences and knowledge related to the methodology of pedagogy and professional knowledge. There will be three-day study visits to EU HEIs with the participation of 68 WB teachers and administrative staff (BE003 - 17 WB staff, BE002 - 17 staff, BE005 - 17 staff, BE004 - 17 staff). The visits are carried out with the aim of strengthening institutional capacities and getting to know examples of good practices. |
2.6 | |||
Title |
Formation of a partnership network for knowledge and experience exchange in the field of energy, green energy, and ICT. | ||
Description | A survey of WBC's awareness of the rational use of energy will be conducted. The questionnaire will be prepared by BE001 based on the expert advice of HEIs from the EU PC. The survey draft will be adopted and conducted in national languages. Business partners and associated partners will help during the preparation and implementation of the survey. The results of the survey will be discussed during the workshop. The report and results of the survey analysis will provide guidelines for further activities aimed at raising awareness of the rational use and management of resources in the energy sector. The report will be used to create an action plan for popularizing the rationalization of energy use. |
2.5 | |||
Title |
Defining the development of new methodological models for implementing the teaching process based on digital technologies and developing a framework for an interactive e-platform. |
Description | After a detailed state analysis, the PC will propose models and teaching methodology with the use and application of modern digital and ICT technologies, which will be harmonized with the WB HEIs. The proposal for the interactive e-platform development model will be established. |
2.4 | |||
Title |
Analysis of existing methodological teaching models with a focus on the hybrid model. |
Description | As WB HEIs are still in the transition process, the teaching methodology is not fully up to date with the methodology in the EU. A comparative analysis will be performed and a report will be prepared, based on which suggestions and guidelines will be given in task 2.5. |
2.3 | |||
Title |
Defining and developing new competencies in the energy sector through the application of digital tools and ICT. | ||
Description | All WB HEIs and PC HEIs will join together and exchange available experiences, resources, and tools in order to implement the project. It will synergize existing resources and subjects and define new or improve existing syllabi that will produce new competencies in the field of energy. Associated partners will have the role of presenting the most valuable competencies in accordance with the information received from the labor market and the business sector. |
2.2 | |||
Title |
Assessment and analysis of the position of Western Balkans Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), review of qualifications, and analysis of the content of study programs of Western Balkans HEIs versus those of the Program Countries (PCs). |
Description | Existing study programs in WB HEIs will be analyzed in relation to PC. A detailed analysis of the curriculum and syllabus and the outcomes resulting from the learning of higher education institutions will be carried out. |
2.1 | |||
Title |
Analysis of the state of the energy sector in the Western Balkans. |
Description | Activities include analysis of the state in the energy sector in the Western Balkans countries, existing legal regulations, and good practices in relation to the EU. The analysis also includes the state and activities in the EU countries in the application of ICT in energy and green energy. Lack of energy and rationalization of consumption in the time of energy crisis and lack of energy sources caused by the war in Ukraine. |
WP2 | |||
Start Month | 1 | End Month | 18 |
Objectives | An analysis of the state of the energy sector at the national level in the Western Balkans countries. Assessment and analysis of the position of HEIs, review of qualifications, and analysis of the content of study programs in Western Balkans countries (WB) versus project countries (PC). Defining a framework for developing new qualifications in the energy sector through the use of digital tools (review of the applicability of digital technologies). Analysis of existing methodological models for teaching, with an emphasis on the hybrid model. Defining the development of new methodical models for the implementation of the teaching process based on digital technologies. Defining a model for the development of an interactive e-learning platform. Forming a partnership network for exchanging knowledge and experience in the fields of energy, green energy, and ICT. Implementation of study visits. |
1.6 | |||
Title |
External evaluation. | ||
Description | ... |
1.5 | |||
Title |
Regular reports and final report. |
Description | Regular reports will be adopted at meetings, including SC and PMC meetings. An interim report and analysis of the project's development status will be conducted at the midpoint of the project lifecycle. This report will include a risk management plan and control mechanisms. The final report will be adopted and delivered at the end of the project, during the final meeting |
1.4 | |||
Title |
Coordination of activities on a daily/weekly basis. |
Description | Regular coordination by BE001 will be done on a daily and weekly basis through PMC and WPL. Activities and tasks will be assigned daily, results will be reviewed and activities will be synchronized within the consortium. |
1.3 | |||
Title |
Regular SC and PMC meetings. | ||
Description | Regular meetings of the Steering Committee (SC) and the Project Management Committee (PMC) will be held every six months. In order to efficiently spend funds, meetings (SC, PMC, and QAC) will be held at the same time in the same place when the activities of other work packages are planned, whenever possible. |
1.2 | |||
Title |
Development of PM guide and package distribution. |
Description | In order to achieve the efficiency of the project, a project plan will be developed which will be periodically analyzed and adjusted. This plan presents the procedures for regulating the implementation of the project in order to ensure a smooth flow of communication. Establishing an online system for regular communication, a video conference system. |
1.1 | |||
Title |
Kick-off meeting |
Description | BE001 Organizes a kick-off meeting and presents a guide that outlines project management procedures. During this meeting, project management structures will be agreed upon and established: the Management Board, Project Management Board, and Quality Assurance Board. Communication channels and all necessary activities will be defined. This document will serve as a reference for managing the consortium and will be regularly updated to ensure shared management, all with the goal of achieving the final result. |
WP1 | |||
Start Month | 1 | End Month | 36 |
Objectives | Kick-off meeting Establishment of project bodies Development of the project management plan Day-to-day coordination of activities in order to control the implementation of the budget and the achievement of goals and time frames. Periodic reports and final report. |